Tag: Literature

The Farmer And The Potter

Two men lived in a village
at different ends
whom God loved dearly.
One was a potter,
the other, a farmer
who planted his crops merrily
and tended them
day and night, sweating with toil
as his own progenies.
Once, the sun shone brightly
and angst felt the farmer
while the potter rejoiced.
He made some vessels,
moulding them with love.
He then placed the tender pots
in the sun
and looked at the sky.
Worry overcame him
when he saw some clouds.
The farmer took a sigh of relief though.
Both men went to pray.
The farmer wished for rain
to save his yields from thirst
and the potter wished for sunbeams
to make his earthenware dry.
Both of them put their trust on the Almighty
and retired to their houses


Look around you
for an abundance
of sigh and terrific proof.
Embrace a refreshing
effervescence in this
moment, arriving whole
and altogether new.
Come alive in pure
love’s transformation
invigorated by a
chosen and heroic truth.

That Little Extra Step

There is much more of the world to get my friend, beyond what you can
Just keep believing, walk that extra mile each time to travel the span
Sky seems so dark, keep looking and you will see that little star twinkling far away
Look farther, the light of that shooting star may guide you on the way
Not a sound around, keep listening and you will hear the sounds of night
Listen some more, you may hear the counsel of your own heart giving you might
The food smells wonderful, smell some more and you will get the whiff of that spice you so like
Smell harder and the nostalgic memories of your childhood may strike
The taste of success is so sweet, more of it will surely please
Taste some more, “Success is hard work” is what you will realize
Touch the sands, stretch a little further and you will touch the wave
Reach out some more, you may be able to touch the horizon that you so much crave
You very easily feel anger and at times even some sympathy
Allow yourself to feel and you may even feel a little empathy
There are so many wonderful things waiting to be discovered all around you
Every time you just had to take few more steps, who know?

Blurred Imagination

Imagine If suddenly
Trees develop heads
How would the world be like?
Apples would poison
The roots of oranges
Oranges would eat away
The fruits of mangoes
Men and animals would be endangered
They would be eaten away
Their skin peeled off and
Blood squeezed
Skins would form the garments
Bones would be the ornaments
And weapons to fight
Grapes would enjoy
The wine of men
Apple would merrily sing
A man a day keeps doctor away
Sliced pieces of men
Would be sold by Bananas
Eyes for a cent
Lips for two
Ears for three
Nose for four
Men would have kinds
Sweet, sour, spicy and salty
Forests would turn into battle fields
Fruits would enslave flowers
Flowers would seduce wealthy trees
Till left with no scent
Kings would be decided by
Number of fruits on the branches
Which of course, no one would get to eat
Jungles will have no rules at all
Jungle law would be
A thing of past
As would be silence.

Half-light of Knowledge

The world expands into a place
where one is supposed to glean the most from the least.
Millions stagger in the half-light of knowledge
thus gathered, even in broad daylight!
Change is coming where only skills and empty scrolls to be filled in momentarily as per their demands is all that is needed for one’s survival.
All is in turmoil and in the middle people wait like small birds huddling , no more anything but like flies in my room come to eat left-over food
A horrific vision but true and yet
the flies go on and so do we!

To be GOD

You are god
you said
to me
meaning you just think you are one but are not
and left
in a huff
and a puff
to blow your own house down

You are right
If you go away from me
you take nothing of me away from me
and if you stay
you add nothing to me of my me

If you stay you gain
If you go away you lose

To be god means to be nobody
have nothing
have no one
and to give love out of one’s nothingness
then when one is left behind
or not
or has anything
or has not
or is taken away from
or given to
or not
nothing is added to one
unless it is the right kind of love
and nothing taken away
from one

To be a god is to be nobody
but to be a nobody is to be a god

You are right
To be god means to be me
I am god
and there is nothing you
or anyone else
can do about it

Best Memories

Red light on the crowded square
Reminds me to stop
And I do.
I stop my mind too
I go to places
Which were left unattended
I check the vegetables
In my mind’s kitchen garden
And see them grow with pride
I go to the long forgotten river
And dip my feet
And talk to her
Of the time which was passed
She cajoles me to get more into it
And I slowly inhale the passing wind
I take a dip, I remain under it
And see the water flow as it is !
I hug her, bid a goodbye .
I go to my kids childhood
And see them grow
I love them again the way I used to
Saving the best memories
In the heart
I select the sad ones
and discard .
I embrace them,
I whisper lullabies.
I turn back with
Loving heart
I run to the square again
I hear horns beep
I reach to the crowded square
And see the green light
I move, I pass
A part left at the red light
I start running again
To the places I don’t recognize.


Peace is inside me.
I only need to listen to the birds twittering outside happily to understand it.
Nothing ruffles them. Sandstorm or war or rain or heatwave or anything else. They sing as happily again the next day.
Listening to them these words come back to me after a long time
Does even one sparrow fall to the ground without my Father’s knowledge? How much more precious are you, then? O ye of little faith. Don’t you know that even every hair on your head is numbered?
Consider the birds of the field and the lilies, they toil not, neither do they spin, yet even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these? If God cares so much for the grass of the field that is here today and gone tomorrow how much more will he care for you? He sees and knows your needs even before you ask for them.
It’s good to have this peace back in me once again.
Now I will go make coffee and do my work, peacefully. For as long as it lasts, till the next storm breaks, or forever.
Not yet the final peace, the peace of the grave, thank God for that.